The Power of Scent

Warm, Happy Memories


Warm, Happy Memories

It’s winter and cold—for many of us. We tend to stay inside this time of year to avoid the cold. The air inside can get stagnant—which can lead to emotional and spiritual stagnation.

So, how do we alleviate this stagnation and elevate our mood? You can use scents to help transition from cold, damp winter into in to spring. Let me explain.

There’s a lot of science linked to our sense of smell. Our sense of smell (Olfaction) is a powerful bodily function—part of our Limbic System. The limbic system (emotional motor system) is responsible for the experience and expression of emotion. As a significant link in the mind-body connection, our sense of smell helps us by linking scents to memories. This connection can be used in many positive ways such as improving pain tolerance or associating a good event to good feelings. Tantalizing scents can activate the opioid systems in the brain helping you associate positive feelings to scent.

Egyptian Musk Oil can help to activate the senses to distract and lift our mood. You can also use your sense of smell to deliver instant relaxation. Use Egyptian Musk Oil during a calming meditation session. After a few sessions, the odor itself will elicit a relaxed state, even when you don't have time to meditate.

Other ways to reinvigorate your mind, body and spirit is to cleanse your home and scent your body with Egyptian Musk Oil. This oil has a vibrant, captivating and alluring scent with a woodsy and rich fragrance that can transport you to a warm, fragrant exotic place—in your mind.

Enjoy your warm, balmy, space.



Balanced Nature Skincare Apothecary